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Visa application fees

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Short-term study visa

Visa types Visa application fee (INR)
Short term student studying English language for more than 6 months but not more than 11 months 21884

Parents of children at school

Visa types Visa application fee (INR)
Parent of a Student child visa (up to 12 months) (Tier 4 Isle of Man) 69702

Points-based system, Tier 4 - Isle of Man

Visa types Visa application fee (INR)
Tier 4 (General) student visa - Isle of Man - Main applicant and dependants 53617
Temporary Seasonal Worker - Isle of Man 32608


Visa types Visa application fee (INR)
Student - main applicant and dependants 53617
Child Student 53617

EC as a student Gurnsey and Jersey

Visa types Visa application fee (INR)
Application for entry clearance as a student enter the Bailiwick of Guernsey or Baliwick of Jersey 53617

Find out about visa application processing times