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Visa application fees

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Family of settled people (settlement)

Visa types Visa application fee (USD)
Family visas - Joining your partner, parent, proposed civil partner or child (also applicable to EC to the Isle of Man, Baliwick of Jersey and Bailiwick of Gurnsey) 2378
Family visas – Adult dependant relative (also applicable for EC to the Isle of Man) 4187
Indefinite leave to enter the UK as a victim of domestic abuse and dependant children under Appendix Victim of Domestic Abuse to the Immigration Rules 3717
Route to Settlement - refugee dependant relative 520
Dependent children under the age of 21 only applying under “Appendix ECAA Extension of Stay” to the immigration rules. Free of charge

Settlement for current and former members of HM armed forces, and their dependants

Visa types Visa application fee (USD)
Former UK Armed Forces 2378
Indefinite leave to enter the UK as the dependant of an HM Armed Forces service leaver or a member of HM Armed Forces under Appendix HM Armed Forces to the Immigration Rules 3717
Indefinite leave to enter the UK as an HM Armed Forces service leaver or a member of HM Armed Forces under Appendix HM Armed Forces to the Immigration Rules 3717
Pre 1997 Gurkhas (outside immigration rules) 2378
Overage dependant children  of pre 1997 Gurkhas 2378
HM Forces dependants applying under part 4,5,7 or 8 of Appendix Armed Forces 2378

Returning residents

Visa types Visa application fee (USD)
Returning resident 821

Family reunion to join asylum seekers

Visa types Visa application fee (USD)
Family reunion, under Part 11 of Asylum, Immigration Rules (pre-flight dependants) Free of charge
Post-flight dependants 2378
Family reunion - other dependent relatives 520

Find out about visa application processing times